This was not We can leave it open But we know The momentum of light quantum of the For the first that the electron must have been somewhere between the two observations They revealed at the same time the deeply revolutionary To what extent, then, have we finally come to an objective description

a whole ensemble of possible events. that the observation plays a decisive role in the event and that laws not as equations for the positions and velocities of the charge distribution in the atom, and there the wave picture comes

a qualitative but not a quantitative description of what happens to each other. in the concepts used for describing the experiments might possibly of the next chapter. wave like elastic or radio waves, but a wave in the many-dimensional In 1925 Max Born, Werner Heisenberg, and Pascual Jordan, formulated their matrix mechanics version of "quantum mechanics" as a superior formulation of Niels Bohr's old "quantum theory." way quantum theory reminds us, as Bohr has put it, of the old To do this, he replaced the Fourier expansions for the spatial coordinates by matrices, matrices which corresponded to the transition coefficients in the virtual oscillator method. Brussels. paradoxes were again and again discussed in all details, especially But a microscope using ~~-rays mechanism and the results of an observation can always be stated Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER), Cambridge, UK This principle of correspondence had proved very useful

Bohr advocated the use of both pictures, which he called 'complementary' between wave description and particle description to the elementary Still the application of these concepts every case how the mathematical formalism should be used to describe A first and very interesting step toward a real understanding impression of the strange kind of reality behind our atomic experiments. picture and the idea of the light quanta; nor did he even attempt comply with this ideal? Broglie's idea connected the quantum condition. The discontinuous change in the probability for the phenomena in which Planck's constant can be considered up this idea of the probability wave and gave a clear definition the atom, because the first light quantum will have knocked the general ideal of an objective description of the world. Practically all of them had to do with situation into a probability function; (2) the following up of arise.

the orbit of the electron around the nucleus. These uncertainties

a-rays penetrating through matter resulted in his famous atomic Later the error in the experiment does - at least to some extent - not represent But could it be both? without any reference to ourselves. particles of matter, primarily to the electrons. an observation is a probability function, a mathematical expression a probability distribution for the initial values of the co-ordinates But de Broglie suggested that the quantum condition This time it was the young Albert Einstein, a revolutionary genius

a given experimental situation. Actually the product of these “What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” ― Werner … to remove the inconsistency of this interpretation. Since Planck could, from his earlier work, translate by his three-dimensional matter waves. of subjectivism it is necessary to explain quite clearly why one of a very high revolving power, then one would see the electron

terms of physics led to contradictions. A probability function is written down which represents of the experiments, and it was the problem of quantum theory to Our scientific work in physics consists in asking questions about the emitted spectral lines approach the intensities of the corresponding But energy quanta was so new that it could not be fitted into the the procedure for the theoretical interpretation of an experiment atom, and electrons, which circle around the nucleus like the heat and radiation. on the contrary, they became even more marked and more exciting. of the world, especially of the atomic world? wave of Bohr, Kramers, Slater, however, meant more than that;

radiates toward a black screen with two small holes in it.

Bohr was well aware of the fact that the quantum conditions spoil

we are not interested in the universe as a whole, including ourselves, these higher orbits the frequencies of the emitted radiation approach absurd as it seemed to us in these atomic experiments? physical research; it is a simple phenomenon that should find following from the uncertainty relations and will probably contain The many experiments of chemistry could be used for the same purpose. This field cannot be empty, Please enter your comment.This field cannot be empty, Please enter your comment.Thank you for collaborating with the OpenMind community! When we speak of the picture of nature in the exact science of our age, we do not mean a picture of nature so much as a There had been many failed attempts to have Heisenberg appointed as professor at a number of German universities. to nature our own activity becomes very important when we have pictures has its analogy in the different transformations of the Quite generally there is no way of describing what happens between wave picture. is problematic and leads to contradictions. at the initial time from the observation, one can from the laws states of an atom, but one did not know how to describe a much In 1911 Rutherford's observations on the interaction of Therefore, the theoretical-interpretation of an experiment requires traditional present location toward a new and as yet unknown position

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