Scribd reprendra les activités de SlideShare le 24 septembre 2020 There is an emerging recognition among GRESB Investor Members that the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a useful reference point for both guiding the intent and measuring the impact of their investments.

An important secondary goal is research-oriented: to understand the current landscape of ESG data systems and investigate how to improve the overall quality and trustworthiness of ESG data in the future. In certain markets and for certain property types, local certifications are used more frequently. In many markets, tenants have no legal obligation to share this data with their landlords. We have defined SDG materiality for real assets which provides the foundation for our work with our governance groups to agree upon a standardized set of metrics to track the contribution of real estate and infrastructure investment towards achieving the goals.GRESB performed the mapping exercise with a top-down approach, first beginning with the alignment to the goal, then to the target, and lastly to the indicator. SlideShare utilise les cookies pour améliorer les fonctionnalités et les performances, et également pour vous montrer des publicités pertinentes.

GRESB Infrastructure Results | New York

November 11, 2019 By .

Similarly to last year, GRESB Real Estate Participants vastly outperformed listed property companies and REITs that did not participate in the 2019 Assessment. AA1000AS was set up as the first sustainability assurance standard and provides a platform to align the non-financial aspects of sustainability with financial reporting and assurance.Any type of review or interaction with the data meant to filter out errors, identify outliers or identify unusual patterns, has added value to the final dataset.

QuadReal’s diversified portfolio of office, industrial, retail and …

By 2030, 29.67% % of Office, Retail, Hotel and Healthcare portfolios will be stranded, which will rise to 74.22% % by 2050. The chart shows that GRESB buildings with 100% energy consumption data coverage will likely face limited “stranding risk” in the first few years that the penalty is imposed (2024-2029).

Over the past years, the topics covered by the validation process and the scope of work for Validation Plus and Validation Interviews have increased significantly. GRESB is the most highly regarded sustainability assessment in the real estate .

GRESB outlier checks are meant to flag extremes — unusually low or high values as compared to independent market benchmarks, as well as to GRESB historic data. As creators of the built environment, the real estate industry is well-positioned to address key health determinants in their approach to real estate development and management. By 2030, 29.67% % of Office, Retail, Hotel and Healthcare portfolios will be stranded, which will rise to 74.22% % by 2050. The assurance process is well defined and understood in the industry, whereas data verification or data checks are often misinterpreted.
Listed entities still outperform their private counterparts, but the gap has narrowed significantly. The percentage of tenants covered by internal surveys is 70% and third-party surveys is 75%.When looking at overall survey response rates, there are additional challenges for tenant satisfaction surveys over employee satisfaction surveys. These positive signals suggest that the real estate industry sees the need for reliable utility data and is willing to invest in technology that facilitates access to it. This optional, unscored survey was open to GRESB Data Partners and Participants in the Real Estate Assessment that use the GRESB Asset Portal during the normal GRESB reporting period, April to July 2019.A primary aim of this survey is to work towards the development of the GRESB Data Standard. The building industry has a long history of explicitly considering occupational and building safety in their business operations.
Overall, the socio-economic impact of assets is being more intentionally addressed during the development phase compared to the operational phase. Participants are increasingly monitoring the diversity of governance bodies and employees, with 91% doing so in the 2019 Assessment.

The preliminary results, based on reported carbon data show a gradual increase in stranding risk over time. Brookfield Properties Retail. Responses to the 2019 Resilience Module provide initial insights about the state of the industry with respect to climate risk and resilience, including:These observations show an industry in transition. 81% of participants assess the socio-economic impact of their development activities. While the use of certification schemes is becoming more common, the fraction of total portfolio floor area covered is still low.

The average GRESB Score of the 42 entities who have been consistently reporting for 10 years is 84 (80 in 2018). 2017 GRESB Infrastructure Results - Sydney However, this isn’t the case in Oceania, where almost 70% of entities consider community resilience. 71% of Asian entities have work-station checks compared to 90% of European entities.Absentee rates have the largest regional discrepancy of any monitoring method with 87% of entities in Oceania tracking the metric compared to only 40% of entities from the Americas.

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