Once again, I would take the Fourier integral of that function of time to determine the spectrum. Therefore, must be greater than 160 Hz. sinc(200t) sinc^2(200t) and then… endstream stream %���� x�5��n�0����J�"��V��'M@>ؖ>���A���jm��8|�T+� And if my sampling rate is simply the inverse then that would turn out [itex]\frac{1}{2}f[/itex] right? So I would assume the procedure for solving is find the bandwidth and multiply by 2. It was simple and I thought I understood until I cam accross signals like sinc(200πt)*sinc 2 (400πt). volution will be bandlimited to 200 Hz and therefore, the Nyquist frequency and the corresponding Nyquist interval are 400 Hz and 2.5 ms, respectively. sinc(2100[itex]\pi[/itex]t) Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Ok I know that the Nyquist sampling rate is double or 2 times the bandwidth of a bandlimited signal. 5 0 obj
a. sinc 2 (100πt) b. 6 0 obj x��Zێ7}�Wt�Z@D�~I�� c�� ^�z4��V��F��N�>Ud��V��536�����N�"U�^���?V^�u�rW}{[����DH]��W�c�����߫��l6w�տ���a?�sE��!|�t�1S�����V���w�}��mZT�8-���"T��8���K�p�g|b���_�Û��n�hf���z /����1U�a�~��[d#l�0����bo���7����UxZ�>��q��n�JŠf�^,ϰ.I���^ܨJg$nKiaWqS,n���g��@�t5w��jW�m�k�s�)�i�(%��!y3�n CS�����i��D���\PW��Lv�n3.���`2~ôcM���a�b�X͜q�[cZ�ҋl{ٸ���D���l�J^�1���J��UC��aWl��2��x��R��?� 6�{�ﮈSͷof �1�KߊbЄF`�)x�˰�k&�J��Ջ���9�b�o����v�� ��1��w�9�9�V�S��� �B^�� c On second inspection i see it. So no, you don't add the two highest frequencies together.

0.01 sinc 2 (100πt) c. sinc(100πt) + 3 sinc 2 (60πt) d. sinc(50πt)... Posted 2 years ago

Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share … Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and the Nyquist sampling interval for the signals: a. sinc 2 (100t) b. Due to the terms sinc2(200t), the signal will be bandlimited to 400 Hz. 4 Solution to Problem 5.6 We have JavaScript is disabled. %PDF-1.4 On second inspection i see it. �$��EA�T��n��4���}���t6��ܵ�8L�o�Ԝ�9&����fPV�mDF��e�b�v��~����t`DID�~j���6#�H,k�n]z@`�5���p? For 12 TDM signals, the total data rate is 12 x 20 = 240 kHz. 0.01 sinc 2 (100t) c. sinc(100t) +3sinc 2 (60t) d. sinc(50t) sinc(100t) - 1246852 c) g(t)=sinc(200t)+sinc 2 (200t): This is similar to the previous part. Specify the Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval for each of the following signals: (a) g(t) = sinc(200t) (b) g(t) = sinc2(200t) (c) g(t) = sinc(200t) + sinc2(200t) where Nyquist rate is twice the highest frequency of the analog signal g(t) and Nyquist interval is the reciprocal of Nyquist rate. 5.41 (a) The Nyquist rate for s 1 (t) and s 2 (t) is 160 Hz. I hope you intended [itex]T_{Nyquist} = \frac{1}{2f_{highest}}[/itex]. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.I think you need to look at the spectrum of sinc(2πfAfter reading rude man's comment, I agree that the Nyquist rate will be ##2100\pi \text{ Hz} \approx 6597 \text{ Hz}##.

hwmadeeasy Uncategorized March 6, 2019 1 Minute. Ok for some reason I thought 101 looked like it wasn't exactly what I had. By using a sinc pulse whose amplitude varies in accordance with the modulating signal, and with zero crossings at multiples of (1/240)ms, we would need a minimum bandwidth of 120 kHz. #Z�2*��WOT>� <> I have tried calculating sampling rates for signals like sinc(200pi t). Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and the Nyquist sampling interval for this signal. stream <> endobj volution will be bandlimited to 200 Hz and therefore, the Nyquist frequency and the corresponding Nyquist interval are 400 Hz and 2.5 ms, respectively. Ok for some reason I thought 101 looked like it wasn't exactly what I had. 20 0 obj I need help with finding sampling rate of these kind of signals and get a clear concept on the topic. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageB/ImageI]>>
endobj c) g(t) = sinc(200t) + sinc2(200t): This is similar to the previous part.

Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and the Nyquist sampling interval for the signals. Solution for i need step by step detailed explanation of how to take the fourier transform of a sinc function and sinc^2?

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