‘Shakespeare was allowed to do comedy and tragedy and it didn’t shake any foundations, and it was quite reasonable to think that a person might want to have a good laugh and be moved. Along with the Mothers of Invention and the Fugs, they were the funniest group of the 1960s, and certainly the most lovable and daffy of British eccentrics. I took some to George Harrison and after a couple he’s going “Hang on – these are your songs!” Which, of course, begs the inevitable Oasis question.‘I gather Noel is quite a Rutles fan. And I think that’s the same as me. Had we been partners I’m sure I would have put on a lot of weight and grown a little moustacheLocal gourmet and gourmand Andrew Kay reports on the food and restaurant scene and much more!Victoria writes Nangle Natters about what’s been happening in her life and Comedy, about the forthcoming comedy events.Prominent people in the city voice their opinions and ideas about Brighton.Architectural journalist Robert Nemeth on historical and modern landmarks.Got a story or want to speak to one of our journalists?To add this app to your home screen, open the browser option menu and tap on The greatest answer is Orson Welles—somebody saying, “Well, how did you do it?” “Citizen Kane”—that shot across the roof and down through skylight and all the rest of it. But yeah, Vivian came back and started singing songs and messing about with lyrics and that’s the early days of the Bonzos, really.Neil: And when it became a hit, Geoff Stephens, who’d written it and made the record, realized he needed to promote it. He started off his adventures in music with The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. I just didn’t realize how dangerous it could’ve been. But the late Douglas Adams summed it up in one way. ‘All of a sudden they’re looking around at me saying “Can you write 20 more Rutles songs by next Thursday lunchtime?” And I said “Well, I’ll try…” We rehearsed for two weeks, it took me about three months to write the songs, and we finished the album in ten days.’ Working also as producer, Innes lovingly recreated the distinct sounds of specific Beatles songs – in fact, he did it so well that when you listen to them the first time you’re sure you’ve heard them before, and can’t quite work out why this familiar tune is coming out… Well, different… Songs like Attention to detail was just as scrupulous with the visual side of the production – which turned out to be every bit as successful in its merging of real and fake as Somebody once stopped John Lennon in the street and asked what he thought of the Rutles. At the time The Rutles were supposed to have been performing at The Cavern, Innes was nothing more than a schoolboy studying for art college in Essex, and drummer Barry Wom was later revealed to be one John Halsey, current landlord of The Castle, a Cambridge pub. But you can bring flasks of tea and biscuits if you want…’ He’s still debating whether to do Cool Britannia and other Bonzo’s stuff. So it was “Legs” Larry Smith who said, “Right, let’s do any kind of music.” We said, “Yeah, let’s start writing.” So, in a way, it did us a favor, because we started writing our own stuff and did any kind of music we fancied.Neil: The darn thing is you don’t really think of it like that. Neil Innes, the English writer, comedian and musician - dubbed "The Seventh Python" - has died aged 75. ‘At the time in New York early ’77,’ explains Innes, ‘somebody was offering 20 million dollars for anyone who could get the Beatles together – even for 20 minutes. They made splendidly surreal and melodious records and made a memorable guest appearance in The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour. Songwriter, musician, comedian and self-effacing national treasure Neil Innes sadly passed away on 29 December 2019. Rutles fans – especially those who had formed elaborate memories of events that, it turned out, had never actually happened – were devastated.So what is the legend behind the lunchtime? I think people who are hugely popular have to work at it quite a bit. But the late Douglas Adams summed it up in one way. Co-founder of the legendary Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and part-time member of the Monty Python team (for whom he wrote many of the songs) he was also songwriter and co-creator of the the greatest band that (almost) never existed: The Rutles. So it’s kind of a “tapping the table” kind of album idea. Co-founder of the legendary Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and part-time member of the Monty Python team (for whom he wrote many of the songs) he was also songwriter and co-creator of the the greatest band that (almost) never existed: The Rutles.

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