Playing next. These hours are not strictly followed and may vary. Country. A man of prayer. Love.A year before Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, Kim Clement stated that Trump was God’s choice. CNN is now is control by POTUS, Donald J. Trump. 3:18 What they are requiring is to be anchored to the Temporal [Earthly] plane, because they’ve already abnegated their consciousness and their conscience. How do we kill the giant of human-secularism?

He went to Saudi Arabia…11:37 He paid a visit to the Crown Prince… Alwaleed bin Talal… was the crown prince at that time… he [Alwaleed] got right into the adrenochrome thing and the harvesting of children… and Saudi Arabia began to put in massive tunnel networks underneath the ground… this is all because Alwaleed got sucked in by the cabal / the 13-Families… as a HUGE player… one of the 3-main arms of their [cabal] weaponry…12:17 He was exalted with enormous power among the minions… Alwaleed became one of the key minions by going really really really evil… and there were a lot of Saudis that didn’t like this… you can say what you want about their beliefs but a lot of people draw the lines with children… this is why Alwaleed needed to be taken down…12:49 There are articles everywhere in the Mainstream media… CBS news… do your own research… after Trump left Saudi Arabia in July 2017, he was arrested… taken down… and in his place was Mohammed bin Salman [Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia]… who was not OK with what Alwaleed was doing…13:25 Backstory here… Alwaleed hand-picked Obama as somebody they could work with… exalt into power… and he’s the guy that funded Obama… that’s why Obama has this real kind of Muslim background… it’s because Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia was the one who decided they’d make Obama this lynchpin of U.S. Presidents… so he funded Obama…14:08 If you’re not aware of this… as a kid, Obama was passed around as a s.ex toy… in these big gatherings of powerful men… he was sodomized… and so it explains a lot about B. Obama but it doesn’t excuse him for anything… just suffice to know he had a rough, rough upbringing… so he was ripe for the picking and Alwaleed funded him…14:49 Alwaleed got Saudi Arabia heavily invested in adrenochrome and child trafficking and the set up and the murder of all of these children for adrenochrome…So when Trump arrived in the Summer of 2017… he laid out all the documents… that’s what they did to everyone… they had [huge] folders and the folders had all the documents… there were photographs, they came with disks, CDs and DVDs and the CDs and DVDs had fantastic production value and it had all of their footage doing the most horrific things…the BIG things that scared them the most were these DVD compilations of their greatest hits of evil/horrific acts…15:50 Now… this is absolutely the truth… what happened the second day… the second day… both the Crown Prince and the King both submitted publicly control over Saudi Arabia to Donald J. Trump…16:10 How do you know this? The National Park Service denied Kennedy's request. We do not intend to and are not providing financial, legal, tax, political or any other advice to any reader of the website. 31 Aug. 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therap... But when you get into advanced satanism that’s the game you play or you perish, because by the time you learn about blood drinking and the fact that you are required to go into the blood covenant, it’s normally too late for you to extricate yourself.That, my friends, is what President Trump, Q, the NSA and The Alliance have soundly defeated—an army of demons that had run rampant on this blessed Earth, infecting every aspect of our lives with fiendish imprisonment.The enclosed video transcription outlines the story of how Trump and his team defeated the diabolic cabal.After all their crimes have been publicly pronounced and the punishments handed down according to Earthly tribunals as well as Divine tribunals — the New World of Light, Freedom, Love, Kindness, Abundance, Health and Peace will begin in earnest for Gaia, her Kingdoms, Humanity and our children.But we won't have to wait much longer for miracles and wonders because the RV, GCR, NESARA and GESARA are well on their way.It’s possible we could date the launch of our Divine New World to when that radiant President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, created Q in 1962.Even as I write this, President Trump, Q, the NSA and The Alliance are literally saving Earth.Video: The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z - July 20, 2020The Charlie Freak Podcast, Colleen, Mark Devlin, Filipe Alexander videographerCharlie Freak & Colleen Tell us the Story of Stories… How Donald J. Trump, the NSA & JFK Jr., against all odds, took down the cabal / illuminati / deep state.1:20 To make it clear again.

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