She admitted having put the gun to Earl Thomas' head with the intent to scare him and to disengage the safety but was unaware that the gun had a round in the chamber, according to the affidavit.Video of the incident that Baham-Heisser recorded on her cellphone showed that Nina Thomas held the pistol less than a foot from Earl Thomas' head, the affidavit states. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. Earlier this week, he was released by the Baltimore Ravens following an altercation with a teammate.Additional stories have emerged since then about how the team wasn’t particularly fond of the future Hall of Famer even prior to the fight. He said he was able to take the gun and yelled for his mistress to call police, it said.Nina Thomas corroborated her husband's account that he was picked up from their home by his brother after they argued. She then pointed the 9mm Beretta pistol at the girls the Thomas brothers were with and reportedly said, “I got something for all you hoes!” according to court documents obtained by TMZ Sports. Nina Thomas is Earl Thomas’s wife. As Earl Thomas deals with his own drama on the football field ... his wife is gearing up for a big hearing in her domestic violence case. Nina and her two friends were taken into custody by police.Addressing the incident to his 1.3million followers on Instagram on Wednesday, Earl wrote "Keep us [he and Nina] in your prayers... Stuff like this happens. Earl Thomas has had an eventful year up to this point. It pisses me off that it got out, but it's the world we live in today. Thanks for contacting us. Tweet. She also said she took her husband's pistol and planned to "scare him" with it when she confronted him.When she arrived at the house, she discovered "Earl and Seth naked in bed with other women," the affidavit states. She said she became suspicious of him and logged into his Snapchat account, where she said she found several videos of him with another woman.She used his Snapchat account to track his whereabouts to a nearby rental home and said she enlisted the help of Garlow and Baham-Heisser to confront him. Earl Thomas’ marriage is on the rocks, but his job appears to be safe. We're back talking. Reblog. He said he was in bed with one of the women when he awoke to "the sound of screaming" sometime between 12:45 and 1 a.m. His wife and two other women, Seth Thomas' ex-wife, Camisha Garlow, and Nina Thomas' sister, Kayla Baham-Heisser, came into the bedroom he was in and Nina Thomas pointed a black pistol at him, the affidavit states. We're back talking, I'm seeing my kids, so just keep us in your prayers. Police drew their weapons, ordered the couple to the ground and told them to drop their weapons. May 7, 2020. Earl Thomas said that he grappled with his wife in the hallway for the gun and that she began hitting him, according to the affidavit. We've received your submission.The wife of NFL star Earl Thomas allegedly pointed a gun at his head and eventually chased him with a knife after catching him in bed with another woman, it was revealed on Wednesday.The wild chain of events took place on April 13 when Earl left their Austin, Texas, home after an argument over his drinking, according to Earl’s wife, Nina Thomas, then hacked into his Snapchat in order to locate him.Nina found a video of Earl, a defensive back for the Baltimore Ravens, with another woman, then used the social media account to track down his whereabouts, the report said.She went to the location with two other women, grabbing Earl’s handgun before leaving, and walked in on her husband and his brother, Seth, “in bed with other women,” the court documents allege.Nina took out the gun and pointed it at Earl’s head from less than a foot away, but he was able to wrestle it away, the report said.Earl’s wife said she just intended to “scare him” with the gun — even taking out the magazine — but it was later determined that a round was still in the chamber.It wasn’t until 3:41 a.m. the next morning that cops got involved when they received a call about a disturbance at the couple’s home.When the police arrived, they found Nina wielding a knife and chasing Earl, who had a pistol, around a car, the report said.The two dropped to the ground when ordered by cops to do so.Nina was eventually arrested and charged with burglary of a residence with intent to commit aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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