He wrote: "if these two die, I shall live the rest of my life with a very dark shadow on my conscience". What happened there later became a matter of life and death, for as Mr. Greenglass delivered his latest spy notes, a woman — either his wife or his sister — sat at a Remington typewriter and typed them out. Greenglass was under intense pressure.

He also said he had been urged to lie by prosecutors, among them Roy Cohn, later a key aide to anti-communist crusader Sen. Joseph McCarthy.To some, Greenglass came to be seen as a symbol of betrayal. Today, the New York Times confirmed the death of David Greenglass, the notorious Army sergeant who stole atomic secrets from Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project..

The Times learned of it after a call to the nursing home where he had been living under an assumed name. Greenglass, left, with a United States marshal in 1950. He was 14 when he met Julius Rosenberg, who began courting Ethel, who was seven years older than David, in 1936. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were American citizens who were convicted of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union.The couple was accused of providing top-secret information about radar, sonar, jet propulsion engines, and valuable nuclear weapon designs; at … For some years they lived on 228th Street in The role of Ethel Rosenberg in her husband's espionage ring remains a matter of dispute.In 2008, when a group of academic historians sought the release of the transcripts of the grand jury proceedings that indicted the Rosenbergs, Greenglass objected to the government's release of his testimony. He falsely attributed passing the cross-section drawing of the Atom Bomb to the Soviets to Julius and he also acknowledged passing other sketches through Gold. His family did not announce his death; The New York Times learned of it in a call to the nursing home where he had been living under his assumed name. Mr. Greenglass’s wife, Ruth, who had played a minor role in the conspiracy and also gave damning testimony against the Rosenbergs, In today’s world, where spying has more to do with greed than ideology, the story of David Greenglass and the Rosenbergs is an enduring time capsule from an age of uncertainties — of world war against fascism, Cold War with the Soviets, and shifting alliances that led some Americans to embrace utopian communism and others to denounce such ideas, and their exponents, as un-American.Mr. (Photo credit: AP Photo/File)Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, separated by heavy wire screen as they leave US Court House after being found guilty. A 1983 book by Ronald Radosh and Joyce Milton, “The Rosenberg File: A Search for the Truth,” rekindled interest, concluding that Mr. Rosenberg was a dedicated spy but that his wife had played only a minor role, and raising questions about the evidence and the government’s tactics in the case. Birthplace:Manhattan, NY. NEW YORK (AP) - David Greenglass, who served 10 years in prison for his role in the most explosive atomic spying case of the Cold War and gave testimony that sent his brother-in-law and sister, In federal court in Manhattan in 1951, Mr. Greenglass’s testimony — corroborated by his wife’s — clinched the case against Mr. Rosenberg and implicated Mrs. Rosenberg. David Greenglass got a 15-year sentence, serving just over nine years. On Tuesday, family members disclosed that Greenglass had died on July 1 in New York City at age 92. “Without that testimony, I believe she would not have been convicted, let alone executed,” Roberts said.In 2001, Greenglass was quoted as saying he had not actually seen Ethel typing and knew of it only from his wife, Ruth. “All evidence indicates subject to be loyal, honest and discreet,” Army intelligence reported.Everywhere — even at Los Alamos — he preached communism, trying to persuade fellow G.I.s and co-workers that they would someday prosper in a utopian society free of squalor and injustice. Referring to Ethel Rosenberg in ringing hyperbolic phrases, the chief prosecutor, Irving H. Saypol, declared, “Just so had she, on countless other occasions, sat at that typewriter and struck the keys, blow by blow, against her own country in the interests of the Soviets.”The jury found the Rosenbergs guilty of espionage conspiracy, and the presiding judge, Mrs. Greenglass was not prosecuted. The controversial lead witness against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg died in July at 92.
Mr. Greenglass had no need for Hollywood spy tricks. Though Greenglass died on July 1, 2014 at the age of 92, his family did not announce his death. Or my mother or my father, O.K.? In the 1989 Woody Allen movie “Crimes and Misdemeanors,” Allen’s character says of his smug and annoying brother-in-law: “I love him like a brother — David Greenglass.”In a statement Tuesday, the Rosenberg sons said that David and Ruth Greenglass were the ones who passed atomic secrets on to the Soviets, then “pinned what they did on our parents — a calculated ploy to save themselves by fingering our parents as the scapegoats the government demanded.”The sons cited the 2001 interview in which Greenglass said he expected to be remembered “as a spy who turned his family in.”After their parents were executed, when the boys were 6 and 10, both took their adoptive parents’ surname, Meeropol.Their uncle was born in New York in 1922. Greenglass never mentioned involvement by his sister in Rosenberg's delivery of atomic secrets to the Russians.David Greenglass died on July 1, 2014.

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