In 1946, Enders was asked to establish a laboratory for research in infectious diseases at the Children’s Medical Center at Boston. During this period he studied, first, the elucidation of certain factors related to bacterial virulence and the resistance of the host organism.

…made by the American scientists John Enders, Thomas Weller, and Frederick Robbins, who in 1949 developed the technique of culturing cells on glass surfaces; cells could then be infected with the viruses that cause polio (poliovirus) and other diseases. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students.

Finishing school in 1915, he went to Yale University, but in 1917 left his studies there to become, in 1918, a pilot in the U.S. Air Force with the rank of Ensign. John Enders attended Yale, dropping out to join the military for World War I, then returned, earning his Bachelors degree and embarking on a career in real estate.

She died in 1943, and in 1951 Enders married Carolyn B. Keane of Newton Center, Massachusetts. This soon bored him, and he returned to university, this time at Harvard, where he studied literature and planned a …

…In 1948 the team of John Enders, Thomas Weller, and Frederick Robbins, working at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts, showed how the virus could be grown in large amounts in tissue culture (an advance for which they shared a Nobel Prize in 1954).

It was shown that mumps often occurs in a form that is not apparent, but nevertheless confers a resistance which is as effective as that conferred by the visible disease. Look for popular awards and laureates in different fields, and discover the history of the Nobel Prize.

John Franklin Enders (February 10, 1897 – September 8, 1985) was an American biomedical scientist and Nobel Laureate.

In coming to this decision he was influenced by the late Professor Hans Zinsser, who was then Head of the Department of Bacteriology and Immunology at Harvard and by Dr. H. K. Ward, who later became Professor of Bacteriology at the University of Sidney, Australia.
( He then went into business in real estate in Hartford, but, becoming dissatisfied with this, he entered Harvard University. After finishing high school, John Franklin Endersbegan attending Yale University. History at your fingertips

This work provided serological tests for the diagnosis of this disease and a skin test for susceptibility to it, and demonstrated the immunizing effect of inactivated mumps virus and the possibility of attenuating the virulence of this virus by passing it through chick embryos. This accomplishment made possible the production of polio vaccines, the development of sophisticated diagnostic methods, and the isolation of new viruses.… He is now Higgins University Professor at Harvard University and Chief of the Research Division of Infectious Diseases of the Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Enders is a member of a great number of American learned societies, the Society for General Microbiology and the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health in Great Britain, the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher (Leopoldina), and is Foreign Corresponding Member of the British Medical Association and the Académie Royale de Médicine de Belgique. J ohn Franklin Enders was born on February 10th, 1897, at West Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.

After the war, he returned to Yale, where he graduated from with a bachelor’s degree in 1920. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....

Enders has been called "The Father of Modern Vaccines."

From there it was only a short……and virologist who received (with John Enders and Thomas Weller) the 1954 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for successfully cultivating poliomyelitis virus in tissue cultures. He had been for a long time interested in biology and this interest was reawakened by his friendships with medical students at Harvard, with the result that he decided to enter as a candidate for the Ph.D. degree in bacteriology and immunology. He is the son of John Ostrom Enders, a banker in Hartford, and Harriet Goulden Enders (née Whitmore).

This article was most recently revised and updated by

In 1954, the individuals who cultured the virus, Dr John Franklin Enders and his 2 younger colleagues, received the Nobel Prize for their work. He then clarified, in collaboration with Ward, Shaffer, Wu, and others the inhibitory effect of the type specific capsular polysaccharides of In 1938, Enders began the study of some of the mammalian viruses, and undertook, in 1941, in collaboration with Cohen, Kane, Levens, Stokes and others, a study of the virus of mumps.

He later enrolled in St. Paul’s School.

As a youth, John Franklin Enders first attended Noah Webster School.

His father was the CEO of the Hartford National Bank and left Enders $19 million upon his death.

He married Sarah Frances Bennett, of Brookline, Massachusetts, in 1927.

He was the son of John Ostrom Enders, a banker in Hartford, and Harriet Goulden Whitmore Enders. Enders was educated at the Noah Webster School at Hartford and St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire.

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