But I am looking for any information that might help me trace their lines.I have from 1740’s and up but nothing inbetween 1740’s to 1623 – other than the two brothers come over…Would love to be above to trace them before 1623…I am a McGregor by marriage and very proud of it..I have just happened upon this site and I am fascinated by all the information. So very cool. Up to date as of January 2017. This was brought to the attention of King James I (VI of Scotland), but though the Macgregor chief was held responsible, the king pardoned him.Lanrick Castle, official clan seat of the MacGregors until the 1830s. Some of the Porters were very illustrious.Love these stories. What I believe was known as the Highland clearances.Have been trying to find tree relating from Rob Roy MacGregor going to Scotland August 2017 and information would be helpful.If you would care be be a little more specific with regard to the information you are seeking I will try to helpI can help you there! I am not sure which line I am out of James or William.

So the MacGregor clan welcomes those with surnames that appear in this link to the Born in 1971 in Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland, Ewan MacGregor is undoubtedly one of the most famous MacGregor these days. The King then issued an edict aboloshing the name MacGregor. The king’s forester, John Drummond had caught some MacGregors poaching on the king’s land, and had them all hanged. She met my grandfather in Canada.

some may have stayed. James And Mary McGregor grandpa was a SERGEANT in the Gordon HighlandersIt would be super cool if we had a website where we could all put in the different sections of the family tree that we know of. In 1570 he was captured and killed by the Campbells. As a member of Clan Gregor this was a great work. The macgregors at culloden were never part of the atholl brigade. My father’s mom was daughter of Louis McCullar.My daughter is married to Uylsses Grant the sixth and he’s trying to locate his ancestry back to the McGregors where did the grants come inmy fathers family are also related directly to the macgregor clan somehow i know robroy is also related for deffinate to the royal family through kenneth macalpin and several other members of the stewerts tudor and campbell i know he was also in line to throne but this was then stopped by james iv and i but still havent found out how many times down the line he is related to my dad an weather hes my uncle grandfather cousin or so on and am looking at links to the family of philip or what ever surnames it could have fallen down to an i know my grandmother was philip and its her side of the family hes deffo related any advice on how i could find this out please as both my dad an nan are passed on in lifeMy maiden name is Blacklow. I would love to hear from other MacGregors around here. Alexander M. and Esther Magee McCullar had a son John M. McCullar who married Margaret Peggy Magee, (daughter of Patrick and Rosanna). Chris is correct in saying that Alpin, Kenneth and Grig belong to the 800s – not the 13th Century you suggest yourself.The MacGregor origins are fascinating indeed and I do hope you will find an opportunity to read my book.My great great great great great grandmother was Ann Sempill Macgregor Rob Roys great niece and her brother was Gregor MacGregor 1786 till 1845 .Im very proud of the fact .So proud to be a descendant of Rob Roy McGregor and to be able to pass down our family tree to my children and future generations.Barring the name king my dad and his brother traced our name back be Rob Roy.It’s always nice to no where your ancestors came from aND what there about my great grandfather was Elexander MacGregor who married Kate Darling july1884 in longside Scotland I would like to no how I would be related to ROB ROY MACGREGORVery informative, I have been doing a ton of research on the surname and family tree and life they led, and it boils my blood to know that we had no choice but to either flee or take upon another name. The DNA project has identified a number of those, including Stirling, Drummond and Bain. The old MacGregor motto is “Royal is my race.”The Campbells moved in and harassed the MacGregors in their neighbourhood, and forced them out of the lands around Loch Awe, back into their remaining territory. I have traced back to Tennessee and a Albert Galliton Campbell but no further back. the patriarch of Prince Gregor does not belong to the 13 century and Scotland was centuries old by then and well into the wars of independence against England.

The project has also found different lines of MacGregors, much smaller in size from Ireland, Rosshire and Perthshire.The Gregor Clan Society began in 1822 as the third clan society in Scotland.

Direct descendant of King Alpin. I am doing a research project on the family and would like to compare notes! Anyone have any data on that? I have gotten a few connections with Ayrshire Scotland and would like to know which clan is in the Aryshire area of Scotland.My Sister Anne and I and the 9th Grandaugthers of Rob Roy Mac Gregor We live in Australia but will be visiting Scotland the first 2 weeks of December 2018. All my brothers have a full Scott name, being the only girl, my mother named me.I am a Black and I understand that the Blacks are a sept of Mac Gregor, MacLean and Lamont. After a brief respite in 1660-93 the name MacGregor was again proscribed as a result of the clan having supported the Stuart pretensions to the British throne.

Clan Gregor is believed to have originated in Scotland during the 9th century. He was a tall, strong man of firm principles who inspired fond respect in everyone. I would love to get a ring for myself and all my kids with the MacGregor crest on it! Membership is available for individuals who can show evidence of descent or a family tradition of MacGregor connection.The following names are other clan names that are known to have been used by the MacGregors.

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